Many people have asked when I started plarning, and I know its been a few years now. Browsing some old pictures from Alaska, I ran across this one and figured I'd share it with everyone to show the first generation of not only plarn by my hands, but also crochet. This was made from the older White/Blue Walmart bags, and a plarnball of Fred Meyer Tan/Black can be seen to the side. The first thing that jumps out to me is how the knots of the individual loops have become streamlined and almost invisible! Look closer and you'll notice where I missed a stitch or two on the ends - but as anyone who has seen me work, you all know I don't count stitches anyways :) And if I remember correctly, I ended up deconstructing this piece and it turned into a few planters. This spring I'll be looking to do some workshops with various repurposing themes with plastic including basic weaving and bottleweaving so keep an eye out for those!